Saturday 27 December 2014

5 Reasons why “All that glitters is not gold”. “Har Chamakti Cheez Sona Nahi Hoti”.

This is dedicated to all the new MOMs to be MOMs and Teenage daughters.

Outward appearance can be extremely misleading. Lets take an example. Like Fairy tales “Happily ever after” - what exactly this means? Is there any story to prove that “happily ever after exists”? Well I haven’t read any. Ok! So basis my observations, and self-experience let me try to take you to the world of ever after… 
I always wonder why world’s greatest love stories never had a happy ending? Because there is nothing called “Happily ever after” Its Just a MYTH. Why do all fairy tales, Mills and Boons and other romantic stories ends at “Happily ever after”. Because there is no story after that, it’s only a struggle. A wrestle within. More often, there may not be one reason that you can pinpoint, but a series of reasons for why things doesn’t remain the same or even somewhere close to what you had imagined while entering into that bond.
Tips to replace “Happily Ever After” into a Contented and peaceful life would be:
1.     Stop analyzing life because it only makes it more complicated. It’s much easier to just live it. Personally I am afraid that if I think too much about everything that could have been, and never was, I will only fall into a dark hole and will gradually loose touch with myself. It’s just not worth it

2.    Be smart to understand that life is no storybook where 1st chapter starts with “Once upon a time” and ends with “Happily ever after”. There is ZERO possibility of any Prince charming coming and telling you “No matter what you do, I will always find you”. For those beautiful sweethearts out there who are less aware, let me warn you, Prince charming is just an IDEA. He is just a fiction hero of every Fairy tale and doesn’t exist in reality.

3.    Don’t disillusion your life for figment of imagination. Remember dreaming isn’t as simple as it seems. In fact it is quiet dangerous. Always remember that when you dream, you must make a choice of what price to pay.

4.    Remove your rose tinted glasses and start seeing world as it is. I live in a fantasy world and I realize that i feel I am lying every day to myself and I don’t know where I am heading. It is like being one of those fallen dead leaves on the ground, who lived thinking it would be everlasting and dies without knowing exactly why? Who loved sun, moon, stars, seas and mountains, who believed in fairy tales and its perfect world and some day died wondering.

5.    Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason. Finally, Time will march on.

At the end, having said all about the world where our fantasy shatters when it meets reality, just try imagining your life without your spouse; what bothers you the most? Exactly! This feeling which the question has given you is "your answer". For most of us it’s the companionship, which we don’t want to let go off. The very thought of coming back to an empty home not for days but for rest of our lives is very gut wrenching. Actions have power, its better to make best of what we have rather than procrastinating over things that doesn’t exist.

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