Saturday 27 December 2014

6 Things Single Parents should always remember:

1.  Single parents have to deal with many tough questions. The most common one, "where is my daddy/mummy”? One has to handle these questions in a very tactful and matured manner to ensure that the children clearly understand the responsibilities of a single parent and also respect that. Being a single parent can be really tough, but it is not impossible. Best way to handle your kid’s innocent questions is to be truthful to them and by doing so you will definitely earn their respect.

2.  Always understand that its ok to feel lost and its even more ok to follow that some days are better spent in bed. Take your time and bounce back.  It takes confidence, resilience and courage and each in double the amount. First thing which one has to sort out in one’s head is that you are not alone, because there are many children who are living with single parent. Once you start venturing out you will notice far more single parent than you imagined.

3.  Sometimes the memories are what keep us from moving on, but eventually all things fall into place. Until then, what you must believe in is that everything happens for a reason. Remember, no storm lasts forever. Hold on! Be brave! Have faith! Every storm is temporary and we're never alone. So the best way is to calm yourself, take life one-step at a time. You have rest of the life to plot and plan. 

4. It’s obvious to have fears, which is why we have friends and family. Confide in them for sound advice and comfort. Get a grip of you earnings, savings and investments. Ensure that you work double of what you were doing, so that you make more than you can spend, have that contingency fund available. You must strategize and ensure three goals on the priority list i.e – buying a home, saving for your child’s college, investing for retirement.

5.  Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it count. Life goes on. Always remember that. Get control of your life. Take that mentor out for lunch to explore opportunities in your profession.

6.   Silence speaks when words can't. Over-thinking will destroy you; just forgive them because you are strong enough to know people do make mistakes. Get real with yourself. Start making each personal and financial decision a conscious one and not out of that impulse. You will feel more empowered and confident about your life and money.

7.   You learn more about someone at the end of a relationship than at the beginning. Anybody’s life isn't perfect, but be thankful for everything you have because the fact is that you never know how good you have it until you hear someone else's story.

Remember getting back on your feet after that breakup can be a long process full of emotional and financial setbacks. But not to forget this can also be most exciting and empowering times of your life. So take it to your stride.

 Tôbe Êkla chôlo, êkla chôlo, êkla chôlo, êkla chôlo re

Open thy mind walk alone
Be not afraid, walk alone

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