Wednesday 18 June 2014

Letter To My Papa

I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much and I am so grateful to be blessed with you as my Dad. A father makes a huge impact on his daughter’s life and so have you . You are the first man i have said “I love you” to, and the first man who has really shown me what love is , the first man i have put my faith, my life and my soul to. 

The smile that comes upon your face when you see me, makes me feel so cherished and adored.To be honest, I can’t remember a time when you weren’t there for me — not only as a father, but as a best friend. As a child, you were my favourite playmate. From teaching me how to walk or read and write, you’ve shown me ways to stand on my own two feet. You have indeed not only protected your little girl, but also have shown me how to defend myself when, you are not around.Like every little girl grows up looking up to her dad, I have never stopped. Now that i am grown and have child of my own , i am more reminded of the times we spend together.The things like doing home working, walking every morning to the bus-stop, PTA meetings in my school , my birthday, these things have been engrained in my memory.Thank you for listening when i needed to be heard the most. Being able to be share with you and show you my vulnerability has been so important for my development as a woman. You have known when to offer me advice and when simply to wipe my tear.

Thank you for working hard to provide for me and our family. It has provided me with a sense of security that has propelled me in creating a fulfilling foundation for my own life. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Your unconditional support has supported me in knowing who I truly am and has been the wind beneath my wings.Most important Thank you for not cheating. Your loyalty has helped me to be able to trust men and be drawn to healthy, loving relationships.

No matter what I will always love you and no matter how old I am, I will always be your little girl.

I know there’s no such thing as a perfect dad, but you come pretty close.

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