Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Boss Of The War

He was married and my boss with whom i never got along. He has always been an eccentric man and there has never been a moment when he was not busy bragging about his intelligence and creative impulse which everyone else other than him failed to understand. Always unconcerned about disapprovals of his habits no matter how disgusting they meant to others. He had overinflated opinion about himself and constant expectation of praise from others , always exaggerated of achievements and his abilities e.g he would ask how is he looking at least 100 times in a day , he would repeat more than 15 times how better he was when he was in charge of the direct sales.

I was going through hell dealing with his narcissistic personality. He would always come and share my workstation during his branch visit which was 5 times in a week one of the reasons could be that my branch was nearest to his house. 

Well, this is how it went mostly. Mr Y will come and sit right in front of me open his laptop and would ask me to order tea (masala wala) along with good biscuits, as asked i would take out money from my purse and hand it over to the office boy who needed no further explanation, post his chai- biscuits sessions he would order (not pay) a pan masala with guttka along with an empty disposable cup which was used for spitting his pan-guttka sitting right in front of me.. I felt highly disgusted with this unhygienic and filthy habbit but wondered what to do? This troubled me quite a big deal and i kept wondering how to handle this. He was perfect example of typical small town men who have small mentality, their views are limited to men chauvinism didn’t think twice before tresspassing anybody’s personal space. Spending time with him was worthless and useless professionally as well as personally because in his presence he would high jack all my time in his unnecessary gossips and service of chai - buscit-pakoda-pan-guttka-chai-biscuit (in the order) till he called it a day and because he use to eat so much all the unwanted food would cause gas problem which kept on coming out in the form of BURRPPP!! and off course straight on my face. 

I always thought he need to take his head out of the gutter,no wonder his wife was suffering through depression (as told by him, though she never looked like one) .Taking about his wife , on one occasion she dropped in the branch late in the evening and my entire sales team thought she was his daughter. This couple was a perfect example of stupid/rude/tub of shit married to thin , thinking, balanced,beautiful women. He was more than happy to have a beautiful , fit, thoughtful wife who produced a child and kept the household running, so that he can burp,get fat and go to hukka bars with friends mostly at their cost.After all the mental suffering i was going through because of being trapped in an absolute third class environment i decided to tell him that he need to sit somewhere else if he has to eat guttka and keep spitting in the cup. 

Bad move! as he didn’t take this in good taste and that is where our obvious differences started in the form of harsh con calls , unnecessary reviews , PPTs , bad mouth to my super boss and everything possible which falls under in-aesthetic standards. The final straw was when he shouted at top of his lungs and threw papers on my face in front of a trainer (outside department) Man! now this was getting violent and i retaliated by walking out of the branch, followed by putting down my papers (which was later pacified by my super boss and i changed my department and shifted to the head office in startegy). This happened in the month of feb which is appraisal month in the financial sector. After such a fall out the gap never filled , the differences remained between us and the revenge was taken in the form of bad rating. HE SHOWED ME just by the virtu of being my boss. In 7 years of my career first time i felt so helpless and i realised what a big mistake i did by joining the wrong company surrounded by classless bunch of people and therefore going through personality assassination and how i felt helpless to do anything about it until it was too late.

I had already gone in a negative mode and in best of my interest i quit after few months. This was not because i failed but because it was no more fun and there was nothing to loose. Post quitting i took a break with friends in London for 15 days and joined a bank where my profile required me to travel to Dehradun. Bingo!! this is where Mr Y also travelled as he was in charge of this area, so on one such occasion we meet and coincidentally we were staying in the same hotel. In the night after coming back from work we bumped into each other over dinner in the hotel restaurant where suddenly i felt a sea change in his behaviour. Till yesterday i was forbidden and instantly became appealing. suddenly everything changed , he showed concern , said sorry hundred times for my bad rating and misunderstandings and blamed everyone else other than him for the cause, he said he felt like hell for what i had gone through professionally. I quite puzzled, kept on wondering about his incarnation or was i foolish for not being able to understand some obvious things. After gossiping about all useless things he made a pass at me by asking if he can hold my hands .Gee!! what nonsense. He is married to a women who need help and he don’t care, infact he is using his wife to get sympathy in the similar fashion as from the famous hindi movie “Pati Patni aur who” where sanjiv kumar the husband falls in love and get married to vidya sinha. He eventually gets promotions/salary increase followed by infatuation towards his office colleague and in order to get her sympathy he gives her the story that his wife is terminally ill. 

Well then in this case he is the most selfish man in the world and i still feel sick, to this day. And yes, i walked back to my room without saying anything because for people like him no reaction is the best reaction.

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