Thursday 21 March 2013

Stop Violence Against Women

Will begin with this video -

Few latest news on crime against women post Delhi Gang rape of 23 year old - Nirbhaya on Dec 16th;
1.Swiss tourist in Orchid, Madhya Pradesh gang raped. 
2. A two-year-old girl was raped by a ward boy in Shajapur district in Madhya Pradesh while her mother was delivering another child
3.A 16-year-old girl from Moradabad set herself on fire after being allegedly molested by three boys. 
4.A 37-year-old woman who worked as a labourer got on a bus near Indore on Friday and was raped by the bus conductor.
5.A 24-year-old researcher pursuing a Ph. D. in nanotechnology was found murdered in her lab in Agra with multiple stab wounds. 
Acts of crime against women by so called our national Leaders:
6.U.P. has the maximum number of MLAs (8) who have declared that they have charges of crimes against women, followed by Orissa and West Bengal with 7 MLAs each.
7.In Lok Sabha 2009 Elections, political parties gave tickets to 6 candidates who declared that they have been charged with rape,
8.Former law minister Raghunath Mohanty  his wife, son and two other family members have been charged with dowry torture by his daughter-in-law Barsa Swony Choudhury.

Few statement on the same from the National leaders :
1. Asaram Bapu - “she should have taken God’s name and could have held the hand of one of the men and said i consider you as my brother and should have said to the other two ‘Brother i am helpless , you are my brother, my religious brother’. he also went on saying that “galti ek taraf se nahi hoti (mistake is not committed from one side).”
2. The Anjuman Muslim  Panchayat in Salumbur town in Rajasthan has decreed that girls should not use mobile phones outside their own homes or dance at weddings so that “they do not get involved with boys.” 
3. Mumbai Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh: “Countries with sex education in their curriculum only have an increased number of crimes against women.” (Indian Express)
4. Puducherry Education Minister T Thiagarajan, on making girls in the tropical southern city-wear overcoats so men won’t be driven mad with lust:
5. Congress MP Abhijit Mukherjee (son of President Pranab Mukherjee): “Those who claim to be students – I can see many beautiful women among them – highly dented-painted – they’re giving interviews on TV, they’ve brought their children to show them the scenes. 
6. Jitendar Chattar (leader of a Khap Panchayat): “To my understanding,  consumption of fast food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts.”
7. Jamaat-E-Islami Hind (Islamist organisation). Statement released by Secretary General Nusrat Ali: "Co-education should be abolished" and proper education facilities meant exclusively for women should be available at all level of education. Educational institutions should prescribe sober and dignified dress for girls.” (Times of India)

C’mon are we living in some kind of Zoo ? Guess even that would have been better because here in India we don’t have any kind of bars for men unlike animals in the Zoo. Last week there was a big debate going on the Lok Sabha and all 24/7 Tv news channels on decreasing the age for consensual sex to 16 from 18 yrs , left me wondering than how come a boy at 16 yrs have consensual sex but will be declared juvenile if gets into an act of rape (completely double standards). Experts says that things can’t improve until there is substantial progress on socio - economic empowerment of women.

Call for an hour according to me - 
1.We have to stop being submissive and start saying NO and call it a halt to any kind of violence/force/threats/insult and not let it pass as one of the incidences.
2.Police reform should get replaced ASAP because it is still functioning under the Police Act of 1861 (Hello!! we are now living in 2013 - 20th century). They should not be praised for less case registered in their police station but should be evaluated on fast resolution on max cases registered.
3. Women helpline numbers should be handy with all the girls (1091 for Delhi) and should be functioning instead of showing busy, not able to connect etc e.g 181 which was launched post Nirbhaya case.
4. Every single women must believe in one-selves and then believe in others whose values match ours.
5. Education is the mother of all tool leading to empowerment which must be taken and used for the benefit of all which currently in my opinion belongs to a very tiny niche.
6.Rural women have to be giving opportunity of education, vocational courses and their own start-ups for financial independence to realise their fullest potential in the given opportunity.

PLEASE DONT ASK - what was she wearing ? what time was she out? was she drunk? was she with boys?  what did she do to instigate such an action? 
PLEASE ASK - where was the police? what were they doing? why was there no patrolling at that time? was the case registered immediately? what actions have been taken?

Few Positive Steps Taken:
1.The Cabinet on Thursday 15th March  approved the draft of a Bill that proposes stringent punishment for crimes against women. 
-minimum jail term of 20 years for rape that may be extended to the “natural life” of the convict in jail. 
-provision for the death sentence if the victim dies or is left in a “vegetative state” after the assault.
-The Bill defines stalking, voyeurism and acid attacks on women as criminal offences; voyeurism will be a bailable offence.
2.Nirbhaya fund with Rs 1000 crore which will be used for the development of women.

There is a story about a lioness, who was big with young, going about in search of prey; seeing a flock of sheep, she jumped upon them. she died in the effort and little lion was born , motherless. It was taken care of by the sheep and the sheep brought it up, and it grew up with them, ate grass, and bleated like the sheep. And although in time it became a big , full-grown lion, it thought it was a sheep.One day another lion came in search of prey and was astonished to find that in the midst of this flock of sheep was a lion, fleeing like a sheep at the approach of the danger.He tried to get near the sheep - Lion, to tell it that it was not a sheep but a lion; but the poor animal fled at his approach. However, he watched his opportunity and one day found the sheep - lion sleeping. he approached it and said “You are a Lion”. “I am a Sheep” , cried the other lion and and could not believe the contrary but bleated. The lion dragged him towards the lake and said, “Look here , here is my reflection and yours.” Then came the comparison. It looked at the lion and then at  its own reflection, and in the moment came the idea that it was a lion.The lion roared, the bleating was gone.

And on this note i would like to urge all the ladies out there to make your nerves strong. We need strength because this awful creepy thing is getting into our national blood and ridiculing everything.Therefore no more weeping and allowing others to treat us like objects. It is high time that we understand that the progress and prosperity of entire humanity/Nation depends in  the cooperation, participation and contribution of women in every activity of men EQUALLY. We are people so how can we be nothing? We are everything and ready to do everything. Period!

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